Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

Albany Newborn Photographer St Peter's Hospital

I am a sucker for a newbie shoot at the hospital… Man I love them!  Especially since I feel like I was just in their shoes with my Sweet Josie.  Time goes by so fast, you blink and they are going to kindergarten.  That’s why I think it is so special to have those first few days captured for you.  They are precious moments that you can never get back.  I always ask that the only people present in the room are the parents and the new baby (and older siblings of course).  I ask this for two reasons.  The first is more of a logistical reason… hospital rooms can be cramped and we can use all the room we can get.  The second, and most important reason, is that it gives mom and dad time to relax and have some private time with their new miracle in between all the visitors and medical “business”.  How lucky am I that I get to be the one to capture those special moments???

This morning visit with Baby Grayson, Dana & Nick was no less amazing than I imagined it would be.  They are so in love with that little man that they have been waiting for.  Dana has his closet stocked to ensure he is just as much of a stud as his daddy is.  I loved watching the three of them together; hearing Nick calling Dana, “D” and making her laugh all while loving up their new little man.  I know this was a long post, but how could I not????  Thank you so much for letting me come and spend some time with you and meet that handsome stud muffin!